Have you ever walked into a room to get something and realize once you get there, you can’t remember what you came for? Could you benefit from remembering names, dates and faces better than you do today? What if you could automatically enhance your mood and outlook in seconds even though deadlines loom, the kids are cranky, and your dog has run away in the rain? All of this and more is possible through simple techniques you can learn to improve both memory and mood.
A few months ago, I started hearing about something call Neuro-Optimization and became curious and wondered what it was. As I am so often willing to be your human guinea pig, I met with a local company called Lifetime Optimization that specializes in this work and decided to attend their 5-week evening class on Neuro-Essentials. I learned a lot of interesting and practical tips for improving my memory, brain function, and mood in the classes and had a lot of fun. You can support your brain and memory function just by doing one or more of these activities:
1. Read – especially engaging, fiction books
2. Use your non-dominant hand
3. Write in a journal regularly
4. Enjoy crossword or similar spatial-memory puzzles
5. Grow your vocabulary
6. Practice memory exercises (there are thousands out there)
7. Travel
8. Exercise regularly
9. Study a foreign language
10. Learn to play an instrument
I learned a trick in class so I could remember these 10 items (or any 10 items) in order, without having to write them down. You can use these tips as simple ways to train your brain just by doing things like eating or brushing your teeth with your non-dominant hand. This is also your license to read spy thrillers when the rest of your family watches sitcoms on TV. Just tell them, I am doing this for my brain!
We also learned about setting a variety of “anchors” to improve positive thought patterns and mood. If you haven’t heard of anchoring, a simple example is when you hear a favorite song, what happens? You start to feel your energy change and you feel more positive. Imagine learning how to set and deploy numerous, positive anchors that you can use throughout your week to boost your confidence, joy, or energy.
As a part of this program, I had the opportunity to have my brain waves mapped. Brain wave mapping involves placing several electrode-type devices on your head and ears that uses specialized software to measure the amount and locations of brain activity. The mapping process takes place during a series of simple tasks such as reading, sitting with your eyes closed, or doing simple math problems while the machine takes readings of your brainwaves. The readings are analyzed based on years of brainwave research and data and then used in conjunction with your own life experience to identify patterns that may benefit from neuro-optimization.
Last week, as part of the course, I participated in one of two brainwave optimization sessions I will have. The process was pretty relaxing because you basically sit in a recliner with headphones on while these musical tones are played. Sometimes they have you visualize something; other times they have you view video images. I left feeling relaxed overall and also like I had been concentrating a lot or that my head was humming a little with activity. Not busy-brain activity but like my brain was heavily processing. I woke up the next morning and noticed that I felt emotionally energized. I was buoyant with enthusiasm for my life and family, my dreams and passions. I was even singing show tunes around the house! I have no idea what show tunes have to do with the session I had, but who cares, it felt great! I am curious what will happen after the next session.
Brad Pendergraft, LCSW, the founder of Lifetime Optimization said, "We began this program because we see evidence that ignorance about the brain is a major cause of social and work problems that people tend instead to attribute to their personalities or to their environment. If they understood how their brains worked and had strategies that reflected these understandings, they would think and act differently and this would allow them to make changes in their life, taking greater control of their thoughts and emotions, happiness and success."
Brad Pendergraft, LCSW, the founder of Lifetime Optimization said, "We began this program because we see evidence that ignorance about the brain is a major cause of social and work problems that people tend instead to attribute to their personalities or to their environment. If they understood how their brains worked and had strategies that reflected these understandings, they would think and act differently and this would allow them to make changes in their life, taking greater control of their thoughts and emotions, happiness and success."
Oftentimes, people use neuro-optimization and the coaching that accompanies it, to create positive changes in their lives. It could include working with issues like stress management, habit control, anxiety, or career changes to enhancing creativity, athletic or job performance. It really does have application to a lot of areas where we want to be the best we can or minimize unproductive behaviors.
If you would like more information about Neuro-Optimization, the Neuro Essentials class or other optimization offerings, contact Lifetime Optimization via email at: admin@lifetimeopt.com or on the web at: http://lifetimeoptimization.com/getting-started/neuro-essentials-program/ or by phone at 503-327-8713.
Great article Kim- thank you. I would like to try the neuro-optimization.
ReplyDeleteNeuroanatomy was (and still is) my favorite subject during my masters and doctoral studies. I really like the fact that our brain controls all of our functions but we CAN control our brain. In the last couple of years, I also read lot of emotional and social intelligence, and the neuroanatomical connections, think fast and slow and again the connections. It is fascinating area and is evolving/branching into neuro and behavioral psychology and energy renewal techniques.
Awesome articles from you Kim!