As I approached this post, I was finding it hard to settle down on one topic. Normally, once I decide on a topic, the blog kind of writes itself. This month was harder for some reason; I had a lot of topics rattling around in my head but nothing firmly decided. Then, I was telling my husband about a whole series of events I experienced last week that were very exciting and somehow seemed unrelated. He suggested I write about synchronicity because that’s what’s happening in my life right now. Still not convinced, I told him I’d mull it over for the night. My uncertainty was quickly resolved when I woke up the next day. I drink this tea that has little quotes on the tab. I tend to think of them as daily fortunes, like the ones you get in fortune cookies and just like those cookies, if I don’t like what is says in the morning I ignore it and if I do, I assume it’s true! So on to synchronicity – this morning’s tea bag said: “Our thoughts are forming the world.” And with that I knew he was right - let’s talk about synchronicity.
So, as we approach the winter solstice, the year will end, and we begin a cycle of renewal, I am offering you and invitation to take 30 days and to witness some magic in your life. Let’s start with the magic of synchronicity. What is synchronicity? defines it as a noun and states: “an apparently meaningful coincidence in time of two or more similar or identical events that are causally unrelated.” I like to think of it as the result of setting search image in for my mind, convincing evidence that whatever I place my attention on goes stronger.
I’ll share a brief example. This fall, I created a small pilot group who worked through “The Dream Manager” by Matthew Kelly. Working with this group has been truly inspiring and in the process I defined a lot of my own dreams and began advancing them. One of my dreams includes assisting others with realizing their dreams by advancing personal growth and development. Recently, I joined a business coaching group and I had the opportunity to meet one the team members who runs a small business. I thought I might like to do some business with his company in the future and I wanted to understand their service offering better. During our meeting I made a reference to the Dream Manager concept which led to him telling me his entire company had been based that premise and even has a Dream Optimizer on staff. That is what I mean by synchronicity: seemingly unrelated events or coincidence or are they? There are lots of words you can use for it: synchronicity, kismet, coincidence, and maybe even, magic
So, what magic can you create in the next 30 days? I invite you to experiment with synchronicity and experience it in action to see what happens. As we approach the year-end with a new one about to begin, I suggest we each take 30 days and focus on 3 things:
1. Choose 3 Things You are Most Thankful for This Year (for bonus points choose 5-10)
2. Choose 3 Inspiring Wishes You Have for Others
3. Choose 3 Dreams You Want to Manifest for Yourself
For each area, write them down, and if you are willing to be a little bold, I suggest you share them with others. Maybe read them to your family or friends one night over a nice meal. Place them somewhere you will see them often. If you can, read them once or more a day or at least once a week. Then, notice what happens and maybe even keep a little notebook to write down your observations. I am convinced that you will see more of your thanks, wishes and dreams manifesting in your life in the next 30 days. It may be that you notice people talking about things on your list; you may see you see articles in the news, or maybe you begin to notice that your teenage daughter really does listen to you. I am not sure what your magic will be. What I know for sure is that you will experience something powerful and amazing and if that experience involves thanks, wishes, and dreams, then to me that is MAGIC!
It would be great to hear check-ins from people after the New Year, when 30 days has passed. What have you noticed? What magic or dreams came your way?